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Curriculum Vitae


BA in Editing and Publishing / Brigham Young University / Graduated December 2019

  • 3.97 GPA, Magna Cum Laude

  • Minored in music; additionally, general courses required the equivalence of a minor in religion


Relevant Course Work

  • Grammar of English: Studied the function and form of various types of English structures (e.g. nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, articles, conjunctions), establishing a solid understanding of the structure of the English language

  • Modern American Usage: Discussed the difference between prescriptive and descriptive approaches to correcting usage errors and became very familiar with numerous usage guides' consensus about common usage issues

  • Basic Editing Skills: Learned the editing process and solidified understanding of grammar and usage principles addressed most often in copyediting; wrote and edited an empirical paper and a study guide within the class to apply and practice my copyediting skills 

  • Genre and Substantive Editing: Wrote and edited two papers to practice principles of substantive (or line) editing including organization, cohesion, and coherence; became familiar with important business aspects of freelancing and acquired and completed a freelance project during the semester

  • Editing Student Journals: Volunteered for Leading Edge Magazine and Criterion to participate in and become more familiar with the editing process as practiced in publishing houses, reporting regularly on my efforts and improvements

  • Editing for a Publication: Worked as a staff member of the online publication Latter-day Saint Insights, taking on the role of an assistant managing editor and a social media and analytics team member

  • Structure of Modern English: Studied in greater depth the function and form of various types of English structures to understand how and why certain structures lead to structural ambiguities within the English language 

  • Intro to Print Publishing: Designed a business card, a flyer, a magazine spread, and a book using InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, and Photoshop

  • Intro to Web Publishing: Learned how to code in HTML and CSS in order to design useful, accessible, and attractive websites

  • Introduction to English Language Studies: Learned the basics of phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics 

  • Semantics and Pragmatics: Discussed and presented about the underlying aspects of the English language that allow us to interpret meaning even from indirect statements

  • Linguistics 101: Discussed the wide application of linguistics to various other fields in order to better understand the study and purpose of linguistics 

  • Intro to Varieties of English: Discussed how we define, interact with, and sometimes stereotype varieties of English based on gender, race, age, geography, religion, etc.

  • History of English: Reviewed defining factors of Old English, Middle English, and Modern English to better understand the underlying reasons for seemingly inconsistent or complicated structures in the English we speak today 

  • History of the Book: Explored the origins of written sources and how manuscript design and function has evolved into the medium of books we now use

  • German: Completed an equivalent of four semesters of college study in the German language, a study that I began in 5th grade and that has better informed my understanding of the structure of English as well as increased my love and appreciation for other cultures

  • Shakespeare: Studied a number of Shakespeare's plays, learning not only about older forms of English but also learning about important themes to improve my own character

  • Creative Writing: Wrote and various creative works, including poetry, fiction, and narrative nonfiction, receiving feedback from peers and offering constructive criticism in return


Clubs and Organizations

  • ​STET: The Editor's Network: The club for editors on BYU campus, organizing and hosting events to help us network with each other and improve our editing skills

  • Leading Edge Magazine: BYU's premier sci-fi/fantasy student journal

  • Criterion: BYU's journal of literary criticism

  • BYU Women's Chorus: The auditioned choir for women in BYU's esteemed music program; I sang with Women's Chorus for four semesters as an Alto I and Alto II and volunteered on the wardrobe committee


Editing and Publishing Work and Experience


Freelance Editor / Passmore Edits / January 2020–Present

  • Provide quality services in developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, proofreading, and evaluating manuscripts

  • Work on projects independently, requiring little follow up from project managers for contract work

  • Learn authors' unique style and adapted editing to adhere to preferred style guides, ensuring quality and consistency of style

  • Support authors through professional and positive edits as well as communication and transparency

  • Organize and maintain freelance business, learning new business skills, managing multiple deadlines, and implementing industry software as tools in business and editing​

  • Helped two authors receive an honorable mention for their short stories in the Writers of the Future contest


Editing Intern / Eschler Editing / April 2020–July 2020

  • Improved skills in and knowledge of developmental editing, line editing, copyediting, beta reading, and evaluating manuscripts

  • Focused internship studies, practice edits, and other assignments on fiction genres

  • Completed assignments expertly, proving my talent and reliability and receiving larger assignments


Grammar TA for SFL 315 / BYU / September 2018–January 2020

  • Outlined, organized, wrote, and edited new course content for grammar and usage in the social sciences, including a textbook over 100 pages

  • Taught basic grammar and usage principles, empowering students in their knowledge and professional writing

  • Worked one-on-one with students to improve understanding of grammar, usage, and writing skills

  • Graded, edited, and source checked written assignments, about 30 of which have been published


Assistant Managing Editor / Latter-day Saint Insights / September 2019–December 2019

  • Wrote 250-word articles every two weeks and guided my team of editors through substantive editing and copyediting, communicating with each editor to keep us on a tight schedule while balancing multiple assignments at once

  • Edited 20 articles from my editing team, paying great attention to detail to ensure they were quality pieces for the managing editor to work with and following through with deadlines

  • Assisted the managing editor with editing other teams’ articles as needed

  • Updated and organized the publication style guide and other important instruction documents

  • Took part in all aspects of running a publication including social media, design, web support, copyright, and PR


Social Media and Analytics Team Member / Latter-day Saint Insights / September 2019–December 2019

  • Managed the Latter-day Saint Insights Twitter account, increasing our followers by 51 and impressions by 131.3k from October 2019 to January 2020

  • Coordinated live tweeting of and helped live tweet special events with relevant content matter to the publication

  • Used Hootsuite to create social media posts in advance 


Proofreader / Family Perspectives Journal / September 2019–December 2019

  • Proofread 13 articles for a scholarly journal, maintaining consistency and clarity

  • Created a style guide for other editors on the staff of the journal to use​


Usage TA for ELANG 322 (Modern American Usage) / BYU / June 2018–December 2019

  • Ran three review sessions each semester for students studying usage, guiding students in their study habits and reinforcing grammar and usage principles

  • Taught three classes when professor was unavailable


Writing Fellow / BYU / August  2017–December 2019

  • Oversaw other Fellows as they worked with students, addressing needs and discussing strategies to tutor more effectively

  • Reviewed early student drafts to diagnose global issues within students’ writing and sent asynchronous feedback

  • Met one on one with students to workshop their assignments and improve overall writing skills


Research & Writing Center Consultant / BYU Harold B. Lee Library / January  2018–June 2019

  • Tutored students from all disciplines on basic writing and grammar skills, increasing their confidence and abilities

  • Balanced instruction with cognitive and motivational scaffolding to encourage student learning and application

  • Completed various projects independently to improve personal knowledge of and skills in tutoring

  • Participated in and occasionally instructed weekly training sessions to improve other tutors’ skills


Managing Editor / Leading Edge Magazine / January 2019–June 2019

  • Oversaw the development of various projects from acquisition to publication, primarily science fiction and fantasy short stories

  • Oversaw a team of acquisition editors, guiding and mentoring them through the editing process

  • Made substantive edits and copyedits based on The Chicago Manual of Style to short stories

  • Edited and typeset short stories in InDesign to ensure correctness and adhere to basic design principles

  • Proofread entire magazine, including front matter, competitions, poetry, nonfiction, and back matter

  • Assisted in coordinating the publication process by communicating with authors to solicit revisions, contracts, permissions, bios, etc.

  • Coordinated schedules between various team members and authors, following up to keep production on track


Assistant Nonfiction Director / Leading Edge Magazine / September 2018–December 2018

  • Set goals and made plans to generate science fiction- and fantasy-related nonfiction materials to publish

  • Organized and coordinated responsibilities and efforts according to the publication's calendar 

  • Solicited science fiction- and fantasy-related nonfiction manuscripts such as author interviews, book reviews, and editorial essays

  • Made substantive edits and copyedits to nonfiction materials based on The Chicago Manual of Style to editorials, book reviews, and interviews

  • Edited and typeset nonfiction items in InDesign to ensure correctness and adhere to basic design principles

  • Communicated between authors and agents professionally to obtain revisions, contracts, permissions, bios, etc.


Editor / Criterion Journal / February 2018–April 2018

  • Coordinated with another editor to make substantive edits and copyedits consistent with The Chicago Manual of Style to an essay of literary criticism

  • Laid out and cleaned up the essay in InDesign according to the journal’s style

  • Met weekly with other members of the staff to train on basic editing principles


Other Work and Experience

Recognition Committee Director, Award Programs Manager / Latter-day Saints in Publishing, Media, and the Arts / October 2022–April 2024

  • Coordinated committee volunteers in various assignments, following up regularly and assisting with problem-solving

  • Organized and implemented three award programs (the Lifetime Achievement Awards, Praiseworthy Awards, and Spark Awards)

  • Oversaw preparations for the annual fundraising gala/awards ceremony

  • Developed committee's vision and efficiency to grow LDSPMA's influence and presence in publishing, media, and art industries

  • Communicated effectively with my board of directors to maintain a consistent vision, authority, and direction of the committee within the larger organization


Awards Committee Member / Latter-day Saints in Publishing, Media, and the Arts /  March 2022–October 2022

  • Recruited and maintained contact with Praiseworthy Awards judges, contacted publishers about nominations, and collected information on winning entries, organizing information in spreadsheets

  • Assisted organizing various aspects of the gala event, including entertainment and photography

  • Designed an aesthetically pleasing PowerPoint presentation to recognize winners at the gala event

  • Collaborated with team members, offering ideas and support, volunteering for assignments and completing them reliably


Volunteer Missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints / Florida Orlando Mission / August 2015–March 2017

  • Worked twelve-hour days, focused on achieving weekly and monthly goals and plans

  • Communicated effectively with people of various backgrounds and circumstances to teach life-improving principles

  • Trained other volunteer missionaries, mentoring one-on-one and in group training sessions to motivate and improve efficiency

  • Participated in various service projects, including cleaning up after the devastation of Hurricane Matthew and providing relief for its victims



  • Great passion for fictional novels and the publishing industry, especially in fantasy and science fiction

  • Strong attention to detail

  • Consistent follow through

  • Solid organization

  • Ability to multitask, manage time, and communicate effectively

  • Familiarity with a variety of social media platforms

  • Familiarity with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Google products, Adobe products, and other standard industry software tools


Writing/Editing Styles

  • Chicago Manual of Style

  • APA

  • MLA



  • German (intermediate)

  • HTML (intermediate)

  • CSS (beginner)

See more of my work and experience in my editing and writing samples.

PASSMORE EDITS: passing you more than just edits

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